Theorethical framework


The research is carrying out to examine the three specific factors that influence the learning of a second language (English) of middle-aged people from 45 to 60 years old such as the emotional component, the method or approach more suitable according to the characterization of learners, and the implementation of ICT in the sessions. The research and educational policy in Colombia focus on learning a second language. This specific population has scanty studies or references about the topic in the country. In contrast, there is research at Javeriana University about learning Spanish for students aging more than 50 years.                          Source: Carehome Sacramento (2017)


The emotional and affective factors play a remarkable role in the process of learning. According to Morandi (2002, p. 46), self-esteem, anxiety, stress, and depression are aspects that may affect how middle-aged students behave as learners. It means that teachers require to use effective strategies to develop empathy enough. At the same time, teachers must improve the ability of perception to succeed during the sessions. As explained by E. Silvia (op. cit, p.48) Most of the learners do not show learning difficulties but they can have a poor learning performance because they are likely
 Source: Psychological challenges older people (2018)

affected by possible physical limitations as visual or hearing problems or cognitive troubles as loss of memory, or mental fatigue due to they have been doing a physical job continuously as a consequence they don’t already have study habits. As a result, the teachers involved in the program need to adopt a suitable methodology that can motivate and allow the students with specific needs to feel part of the class focusing on their interests. On the other hand, present conditions demand students and teachers to use technology tools of interaction along the learning process. Besides, implement new technologies might have positive results as shown in the recent research on computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Golonka et al. (2014) affirm that tech innovations might increase learner's interest and motivation; increase the exposure to the target language, provide interaction opportunities as well as feedback. Other benefits of this approach are the chances of organizing the course content and the interaction with several students. A study by Kuppens (2010) in Belgium suggests that people can learn through viewing televisión series or movies. The result scores on the English aptitude test were Higher for Belgian students who watched captioned English-language movies and televisión than for those who did not.
